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The Steam Drum for 300MW Power Plant of India MARUTI Project (BTG) Carried Out by China Western Power Industrial Co., Ltd was Successfully Lifted

        On January 6, 2013, under the joint efforts of all participants, the steam drum of India MARUTI project total contracted by China Western Power Industrial Co., Ltd (CWPC) was successfully lifted. This marks that the node which has great milestone significance in the large power station EPC project carried out by CWPC was finished on schedule, and this is also an important bit written by CWPC in the area of engineering construction.
        The capacity of a single unit of India MARUTI project is 300MW, the BTG part total contracted by CWPC will be completed and generate electricity in the second half of 2014. 
        At 7.30 a.m. local time, prayer before lifting was conducted. Mr. Gupta, senior manager from the owner, Mr. Vishwakama, MCCPL site manager, Mr. Bahadra, site manager of the general contractor, IOT, and the other managers attend the prayer ceremony and hit coconuts for blessing. 
        At 8.40 a.m., it was started to lift the steam drum,and this lifting work continued until India local time at 1 a.m. on January 7, 2013. The lifting process was very smooth and successful. After that, the owner held a grand celebration party, and the site team of CWPC attended it. The whole party was filled with a warm atmosphere and everyone in it is in high spirits. CWPC will continue to work closely with the owner, and make persistent efforts to complete the remaining project with high quality and quantity on schedule.
